Genevieve Moore Cheatham with her daughter, Nancee, 1923. She loved to visit her grandchildren on the weekends, always bringing grapes, lemon drops and sandwiches.
It has been said that mothers are the gatekeepers of culture, always with an eye tuned towards what is passing in and out, critiquing and assessing, taking what is good and blessing their children with it, hoping there is enough goodness to keep hearts grounded, contented, and unswayed by seduction. We are who we are, we value what we value, because generation after generation our mothers have been keeping watch. Whether with the stern and faithful wounds we desperately need, or with the consolation of being held tightly in her arms, which we need just as much, she has formed like a potter the tenderest affections of our hearts. And down the precarious descent of genealogy, upheld by grace, she has turned us always toward what is good. We have learned to long for it, and someday we might want it for ourselves as much as she has wished it for us. From now until we get there, and ever after, she deserves a thank you. -Jonathan Allston
The always stylish Nancee Moore Cheatham, 1930s. She became a farmer’s wife but was always a city girl at heart.
Della Cochran with her four sons and one daughter, Margaret Emogene “Bobbie”, circa 1950
Della lost her husband to tuberculosis and raised 5 children as a single mother. She was an extraordinary seamstress.
Bobbie always offers beautiful words of wisdom, and every meal is an opportunity to use the good china.
Mary McKittrick Knight on the front porch of the family farmhouse in lower Greenville County. Always make people think you are happy to meet them.
Martha Douty, with her sisters, Mae and Sabina, early 1900s
Harry and Mae Yearick had 6 children together. After Mae died giving birth to their sixth child, who would only live to be a year old, Martha married Harry and cared for the children. A great act of love. They later had two children together.
Mary with Nancee Lee, Mother’s Day 1986. A beautiful and patient mother who has taught us to love and always value our family and heritage.
Thanks for sharing the your pictures, your stories, and your heritage. It was good to see you all when I was down in April. Blessings.
Beautiful and meaningful pictures, Thank you for sharing them. Happy Mother’s Day!!!
I loved seeing all of these pictures! Our family is so special!!!